Monday, March 21, 2011

Momma's weekend!!!

A few weeks ago Rosey and I decided that we were going to make the trip up to Nashville for Meg's 30th birthday and celebrate mine a bit too , since mine is the 25th! Matt left Friday for a bachelor party at Pickwick, so we both got to have a little fun. Since I was going to be away from my baby for a day, I decided that he would get to sleep in my bed:). There is just something so special about waking up to that sweet precious boy. It never gets old, just better and sweeter.

So, Noah T. Woke me up right on time at 6:59am and we drove over to Nonna and Poppa's house to stay until Sunday. Rosey met me at our house and we left on our trip. The drive was great, just long enough, just enough beautiful Tennessee landscapes and just the right company, oh, and the best music EVER! I swear we danced the whole way there. While we LOVE our lives as wife's and Mothers, more than words, it was so much fun to have a day to ourselves, singing with the music loud, the windows down, lunch on the patio, a manicure and pedicure, and then a night out on the town celebrating our great friends birthday.
We had a blast, actually, that is an understatement. We went to dinner at Cabana, which is this great place where you have a little "nook" and you can close the curtain and hook up your Iphone and hear the tunes you want to hear! We actually had my bachelorette party's awesome! Rosey and I seperated for a bit and went to "Blackbird Tattoo Shop", apparently it's pretty fancy. They were booked up until that following Wednesday, but they managed to sneak us in. Rosey gotta a new Tattoo, its a beautiful blackbird. I thought about a tiny one, maybe even a freckle somewhere on my arm. However, I decided that I should probably think about this a little bit harder since it's kinda permanent :). So, mission accomplished. We then went to celebrate and joined the group at Blue Bar

We DANCED all night long. It was awesome and we felt like rock stars. Yes, I am aware that I probably looked like a Mom that can't dance, but just couldn't stop. I had an extremely sore neck the next morning. Apparently "I shook my head back and forth" a little too much. But hey, I don't know any of those people that I was dancing around :). Rosey shook it too, she had a Krump-Off with a great dancer from New Jersey. It.was.awesome. I so wish we had a videographer! Agh, so much fun!

We headed by Taco Bell for our "Forth Meal", and I went to Walgreens to pick up some rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, OJ and crackers. Apparently we were in a smokey bar and dancing right next to the speakers... Did I mention I was turning 30? We crashed about 2am and Rosey and I promptly awoke around 6:30-7am. We were supposed to sleep late, have lunch and then head home. BUT...we missed our babies. So we ended up heading back to Memphis, with a much different Playlist than the begining of the trip.
It was such a fun trip. While we were there we talked about doing this regularly and even talked about a girl's beach trip. But you know, life has changed from those amazing, carefree, no responsibility, coming-of-age college years. As much as we love to have a glimpse at a reminder of who we were and how we became who we are today, the life that we were searching so hard to find then, is the life that we now have and we are ready to get back to it.

At Shelby Farms with Maddie and Rosey

My sweet Birthday Girl, Maddie Cochran

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE A BLOGGER! Love it. Love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet friend! I love you so much!
