Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is it really Tuesday...not Thursday?

I had decided that since my Boss was on vacation this week, I was not going to go in early. Of course, I have a luncheon today,a beer dinner on Wednesday and Friday we decided to open early for the Tiger game! I say this in a frustrated way, but I LOVE being busy! If I'm gonna be away from my baby boy, I'm definitely not going to just be sitting at my desk!!
Noah is growing so big. It seems as though every day we wake up, he has grown drastically. Today it was him making this noice that made him sound like Donald Duck. Its hilarious, he thinks its pretty funny and impressive too. He is 10 months old now. He is crawling, pulling up, throwing the ball for Rudy and so much more. It is so hard to believe that a year ago, I had no idea what I was having! Well, I really felt like I always knew. I swear when the took him out and said "its a boy!", I really thought, "I know!".
We have a week of working later in the evening; both of us. Which I don't mind some times, but this week Matt is going out of town for a friends bachelor party and I am going to Nashville with some of my best friends to celebrate the 30's!
So, I'm dreading Monday. I live for my weekends to get my fill on Noah T. He is so precious, funny, smart and everything else a mother thinks of their own child. I often question whether or not I should work. (don't have an option,but none the less, I think about it:)). I struggle with Trying to figure out the future too often and not just enjoying each and not sweating the small stuff. That is something that I am going to have to work on!

Here is a picture of Noah when he was born:

and Noah Thomas today...

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