Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hope you're wearing Green!!!

We are celebrating 2 Special Birthday's today AND St. Patrick's Day! Happy Birthday to Ms. Anna Grace Caesar and Happy 30th Birthday to Meghan Pattison! Yay for St. Patrick's Day babies and for the glorious Sunshine we have going on outside! Noah even got to wear his sunglasses!

Noah T. has been having some serious ear infection issues for the past 4 months. We are clearing up the 4th infections. Yikes. We went to the pediatrician this morning just to make sure that it is getting better, but there is a lot of fluid still in one ear. So, tubes are a definite. I let him sleep with me for a little bit, gave him a little motrin and thankfully, he didn't wake up and whimper throughout the night. Thank the Lord. It makes me so sad! I am going to have to set up an appointment for the ENT to move on with the tubes. Anywho, look for a post on that fun event soon.

We are heading into a busy couple of days for the Flournoy's! I had a Beer Dinner at work last night, tonight Matt will being doing Irish whiskey tastings at various bars tonight, Friday Matt leaves for a Bachelor Party, Saturday I leave Noah Thomas with my parents and head out to Nashville! Whew, I just got exhausted and excited all at the same time!

Since Meg's birthday is today and mine is next Friday, Rosey and I decided to drive up to Nashville and crash the party...we were invited of course. I am really looking forward to getting away with my girlfriends! It's been a long time since we have let loose, with being pregnant and then with life as a Mom. The plans are to get our nails done, drink on the patio and get all dressed up for a night out on the town! I can't wait. I am excited for Rosey to get away too.

Time to get back to work, planning my next Beverage Event...I'm thinking a Silver Oak Wine Dinner...Filet with a Bleu Cheese Crust...Silver Oak Napa Cabernet....mmm, I love my job! Here are some pictures from the Beer Dinner last night.

Beer from Southwestern Distributing

New York Stip served with Shoefries and Bernaise

Maple Glazed Thick Cut


  1. I love that uve decided to blog! I've been reading Kate's blog and think it's such a great idea just to look back on and read Ur daily thoughts or personal issues.
    I feel I can stay on top of Ur busy life this way...and my sweet nephew who is ab to get tubes:( poor baby!!
    See you tomorrow!!

  2. Yay, read it everyday, and comment everyday...thanks!
