Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Momma's Night Out...

Welcome to the world of the Flournoy's! It is a crazy, busy, and ever-changing life...just the way I like it! Some days I would like more time to relax and truly focus on the things that matter, being my family. It never fails that on those days, I wake up with enough energy to save the world...or at least clean out the cars. My husband absolutely loves this about me, that is a joke :).
I decided to blog because I am that annoying mother that continues to post pictures of her every second of the day. I apologize, but it's probably not going to change anytime soon. I thought this may be a better way to "Publicize" my life and it is quite therapeutic! I love my pictures of Noah Thomas, the innocence of a child is thrilling, beautiful and just about the best thing in life. I sometimes miss that innocence.
Speaking thing that is weighing heavily on my heart and has been since the second I found out is Lucy Krull. This sweet Angel Baby was diagnosed with Cancer last Wednesday. She is precious, innocent and just 5 years old. I had to take a step back last night, because I felt angry, sad, and defeated. I wasn't questioning faith, but I really wanted to! I am Christian, I have a good heart and that is the way I have always lived my life. I realized last night, well, my husband told me, that I live in fear. It is true, every second that I rejoice and thank God for things in my life, I am immediately scared about when it will be taken away from me. My life has been blessed, beautiful, regardless of my impatience in all things and lack of follow through in some, God has continued to give me so much. I think he likes my personality:). Seriously though, every moment that is supposed to be a happy, special moment, I am hugging my Daddy and fighting back tears thinking about how fast this life has already gone. To end this blabbering rant, let me say that I am going to make a conscious effort to be present in those moments. Not fear them, but embrace the beauty and smile. I know there will be battles in my life, but I don't have to think about them until they are here.
If you are reading this, please say a prayer for Lucy, I know God is with her pushing her to stay strong. Please also pray for her Mommy and Daddy, I know they may need it a little more than her.

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