Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Coming Soon...a family of 4!!

For all that may not already know, or who have not noticed that I may already be sticking out...we are expecting another amazing gift in July!! We are so grateful and pray every day that we are blessed with a healthy beautiful child. I still look at Noah and wonder how I will ever be able to love anyone as much as I do him and how will I EVER make that love equal! I have heard from other Mom's that give me comfort in that, it just works!
We are still in our first home too, with one and a half baths which will give us a little more work; taking the big plastic tub out, putting Noah's toys in, then cleaning it all out for Matt and I! If that is our only worry, I'm positive we are going to make it :). We just aren't in any rush, mainly because we love that little house!
I was pretty nautious the first 10 weeks, which I never experienced with Noah, so I'm thinking this may be that little red headed girl I have been waiting for! I believe we are going to wait to find out the sex again, just as we did with Noah. I'm a little more anxious this time though!
Next step is working on ridding Noah of a paci, hopefully helping to make it his decision, making the transfer to a big boy bed in April, and working on sharing :).
I will be catching ya'll up on all that has been going on in our crazy life.
I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and wish you all well in the New Year!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Big Back Yard!!

Greg and his family came in for Easter Weekend and Noah's 1st Birthday! I am so happy I was able to take off Friday and enjoy some quality family/cousin time!
We went to My Big Back Yard at Botanic Gardens and it was so cool! Noah got to put his feet in the sand for the first time...

yeah, not so much!

We are going to have to work on that one!

Watching all of the "Big" kids run around and play was so much fun!

after a nap for Noah and some work for me, we headed over to my parent's house to work on the 1 million cupcakes we/mom & caty made!

We were set and ready for the party!


my sitter Mrs. Amy called and said that one of the girls at his school had croup. I froze, it was 9:30am, the morning of his 1st Birthday, we had 15 kids coming over and my son had been coughing for a couple days. Crap.
Luckily, my doctor's office is amazing. We rushed over there, found out we just had some congestion, nothing contagious and nothing bad! Matt and my family rushed around and got the house set and Noah and I showed up fashionably late at 11:15am.
It was a great party! Thanks to everyone who came, played and celebrated my baby's 1st year! He LOVED all of the attention, as you can see :)

Look at all the gifts!!

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Baby Boy! You make my life happier than I ever could have dreamed...and now I'm crying...Momma Loves You :) !

Monday, March 21, 2011

Momma's weekend!!!

A few weeks ago Rosey and I decided that we were going to make the trip up to Nashville for Meg's 30th birthday and celebrate mine a bit too , since mine is the 25th! Matt left Friday for a bachelor party at Pickwick, so we both got to have a little fun. Since I was going to be away from my baby for a day, I decided that he would get to sleep in my bed:). There is just something so special about waking up to that sweet precious boy. It never gets old, just better and sweeter.

So, Noah T. Woke me up right on time at 6:59am and we drove over to Nonna and Poppa's house to stay until Sunday. Rosey met me at our house and we left on our trip. The drive was great, just long enough, just enough beautiful Tennessee landscapes and just the right company, oh, and the best music EVER! I swear we danced the whole way there. While we LOVE our lives as wife's and Mothers, more than words, it was so much fun to have a day to ourselves, singing with the music loud, the windows down, lunch on the patio, a manicure and pedicure, and then a night out on the town celebrating our great friends birthday.
We had a blast, actually, that is an understatement. We went to dinner at Cabana, which is this great place where you have a little "nook" and you can close the curtain and hook up your Iphone and hear the tunes you want to hear! We actually had my bachelorette party there...it's awesome! Rosey and I seperated for a bit and went to "Blackbird Tattoo Shop", apparently it's pretty fancy. They were booked up until that following Wednesday, but they managed to sneak us in. Rosey gotta a new Tattoo, its a beautiful blackbird. I thought about a tiny one, maybe even a freckle somewhere on my arm. However, I decided that I should probably think about this a little bit harder since it's kinda permanent :). So, mission accomplished. We then went to celebrate and joined the group at Blue Bar

We DANCED all night long. It was awesome and we felt like rock stars. Yes, I am aware that I probably looked like a Mom that can't dance, but just couldn't stop. I had an extremely sore neck the next morning. Apparently "I shook my head back and forth" a little too much. But hey, I don't know any of those people that I was dancing around :). Rosey shook it too, she had a Krump-Off with a great dancer from New Jersey. It.was.awesome. I so wish we had a videographer! Agh, so much fun!

We headed by Taco Bell for our "Forth Meal", and I went to Walgreens to pick up some rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, OJ and crackers. Apparently we were in a smokey bar and dancing right next to the speakers... Did I mention I was turning 30? We crashed about 2am and Rosey and I promptly awoke around 6:30-7am. We were supposed to sleep late, have lunch and then head home. BUT...we missed our babies. So we ended up heading back to Memphis, with a much different Playlist than the begining of the trip.
It was such a fun trip. While we were there we talked about doing this regularly and even talked about a girl's beach trip. But you know, life has changed from those amazing, carefree, no responsibility, coming-of-age college years. As much as we love to have a glimpse at a reminder of who we were and how we became who we are today, the life that we were searching so hard to find then, is the life that we now have and we are ready to get back to it.

At Shelby Farms with Maddie and Rosey

My sweet Birthday Girl, Maddie Cochran

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hope you're wearing Green!!!

We are celebrating 2 Special Birthday's today AND St. Patrick's Day! Happy Birthday to Ms. Anna Grace Caesar and Happy 30th Birthday to Meghan Pattison! Yay for St. Patrick's Day babies and for the glorious Sunshine we have going on outside! Noah even got to wear his sunglasses!

Noah T. has been having some serious ear infection issues for the past 4 months. We are clearing up the 4th infections. Yikes. We went to the pediatrician this morning just to make sure that it is getting better, but there is a lot of fluid still in one ear. So, tubes are a definite. I let him sleep with me for a little bit, gave him a little motrin and thankfully, he didn't wake up and whimper throughout the night. Thank the Lord. It makes me so sad! I am going to have to set up an appointment for the ENT to move on with the tubes. Anywho, look for a post on that fun event soon.

We are heading into a busy couple of days for the Flournoy's! I had a Beer Dinner at work last night, tonight Matt will being doing Irish whiskey tastings at various bars tonight, Friday Matt leaves for a Bachelor Party, Saturday I leave Noah Thomas with my parents and head out to Nashville! Whew, I just got exhausted and excited all at the same time!

Since Meg's birthday is today and mine is next Friday, Rosey and I decided to drive up to Nashville and crash the party...we were invited of course. I am really looking forward to getting away with my girlfriends! It's been a long time since we have let loose, with being pregnant and then with life as a Mom. The plans are to get our nails done, drink on the patio and get all dressed up for a night out on the town! I can't wait. I am excited for Rosey to get away too.

Time to get back to work, planning my next Beverage Event...I'm thinking a Silver Oak Wine Dinner...Filet with a Bleu Cheese Crust...Silver Oak Napa Cabernet....mmm, I love my job! Here are some pictures from the Beer Dinner last night.

Beer from Southwestern Distributing

New York Stip served with Shoefries and Bernaise

Maple Glazed Thick Cut Bacon...this.is.tasty.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is it really Tuesday...not Thursday?

I had decided that since my Boss was on vacation this week, I was not going to go in early. Of course, I have a luncheon today,a beer dinner on Wednesday and Friday we decided to open early for the Tiger game! I say this in a frustrated way, but I LOVE being busy! If I'm gonna be away from my baby boy, I'm definitely not going to just be sitting at my desk!!
Noah is growing so big. It seems as though every day we wake up, he has grown drastically. Today it was him making this noice that made him sound like Donald Duck. Its hilarious, he thinks its pretty funny and impressive too. He is 10 months old now. He is crawling, pulling up, throwing the ball for Rudy and so much more. It is so hard to believe that a year ago, I had no idea what I was having! Well, I really felt like I always knew. I swear when the took him out and said "its a boy!", I really thought, "I know!".
We have a week of working later in the evening; both of us. Which I don't mind some times, but this week Matt is going out of town for a friends bachelor party and I am going to Nashville with some of my best friends to celebrate the 30's!
So, I'm dreading Monday. I live for my weekends to get my fill on Noah T. He is so precious, funny, smart and everything else a mother thinks of their own child. I often question whether or not I should work. (don't have an option,but none the less, I think about it:)). I struggle with Trying to figure out the future too often and not just enjoying each and not sweating the small stuff. That is something that I am going to have to work on!

Here is a picture of Noah when he was born:

and Noah Thomas today...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday...a new beginning

So today I woke up by stepping on my glasses.

There are a billion worse things than that, but I thought, "not a good day." as I say that to myself, I start thinking about how pitiful that thought process was. I thought about all that I am thankful for, all that I have received without being worthy and about Kate Krull. For those of you who know about the Krull family, you understand. Kate's 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Medullablastoma 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago, her life changed forever. She would probably give her own life to wake up one morning and the roughest part of her day be that she stepped on her glasses. I soon realized; yes I had forgotten, that today was Ash Wednesday. I may have skipped Ash Wednesday quite often in the past years. But this year, I knew it was time for a change. I am not super religious, vocally. I'm pretty quiet in my prayers and relationship with God. My husband and I are a lot the same in that. I was refreshed tonight to hear the gospel. "our faith" teaches us to pray quietly and privately. Which may be the reason I feel the way I do about not surrounding myself with vocally religious people. I felt as though God was speaking to me. He took the time to say, "Kim, it's ok that you choose to worship privately". Well, since God went out of he way to speak to me in a room full of people, I thought it was time for me to change. He obviously likes me more than all the other people in church right now :). Totally kidding,but it resonated with me. I am religious, I talked to God more than my husband is even aware of, but I do not serve him. I don't know that I would feel his comfort in times of darkness. I just feel fear, in fact, for some reason I have chosen to live in fear. My life has been blessed beyond explanation. However, I am scared to death when I lay my baby to sleep, when I go on long road trips, fly in an airplane, heck, when I am walking to the mailbox! So today as I was in church, I prayed for Kate and Erik, I prayed for every inch of of my child's body to be healthy, my family, my friends and I begged for strength. I am weak in many ways. I need to trust that God has my back. I NEED to live this way so that I no longer live in fear and I NEVER see waking up in the morning and stepping on my glasses as the detriment to this entire day that God has chosen to give me here on earth. Ok, so this was not privately praying, but I felt like I needed to get that out as I begin this journey of journaling! You now know my secrets!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Momma's Night Out...

Welcome to the world of the Flournoy's! It is a crazy, busy, and ever-changing life...just the way I like it! Some days I would like more time to relax and truly focus on the things that matter, being my family. It never fails that on those days, I wake up with enough energy to save the world...or at least clean out the cars. My husband absolutely loves this about me, that is a joke :).
I decided to blog because I am that annoying mother that continues to post pictures of her every second of the day. I apologize, but it's probably not going to change anytime soon. I thought this may be a better way to "Publicize" my life and it is quite therapeutic! I love my pictures of Noah Thomas, the innocence of a child is thrilling, beautiful and just about the best thing in life. I sometimes miss that innocence.
Speaking of...one thing that is weighing heavily on my heart and has been since the second I found out is Lucy Krull. This sweet Angel Baby was diagnosed with Cancer last Wednesday. She is precious, innocent and just 5 years old. I had to take a step back last night, because I felt angry, sad, and defeated. I wasn't questioning faith, but I really wanted to! I am Christian, I have a good heart and that is the way I have always lived my life. I realized last night, well, my husband told me, that I live in fear. It is true, every second that I rejoice and thank God for things in my life, I am immediately scared about when it will be taken away from me. My life has been blessed, beautiful, regardless of my impatience in all things and lack of follow through in some, God has continued to give me so much. I think he likes my personality:). Seriously though, every moment that is supposed to be a happy, special moment, I am hugging my Daddy and fighting back tears thinking about how fast this life has already gone. To end this blabbering rant, let me say that I am going to make a conscious effort to be present in those moments. Not fear them, but embrace the beauty and smile. I know there will be battles in my life, but I don't have to think about them until they are here.
If you are reading this, please say a prayer for Lucy, I know God is with her pushing her to stay strong. Please also pray for her Mommy and Daddy, I know they may need it a little more than her.