Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Coming Soon...a family of 4!!

For all that may not already know, or who have not noticed that I may already be sticking out...we are expecting another amazing gift in July!! We are so grateful and pray every day that we are blessed with a healthy beautiful child. I still look at Noah and wonder how I will ever be able to love anyone as much as I do him and how will I EVER make that love equal! I have heard from other Mom's that give me comfort in that, it just works!
We are still in our first home too, with one and a half baths which will give us a little more work; taking the big plastic tub out, putting Noah's toys in, then cleaning it all out for Matt and I! If that is our only worry, I'm positive we are going to make it :). We just aren't in any rush, mainly because we love that little house!
I was pretty nautious the first 10 weeks, which I never experienced with Noah, so I'm thinking this may be that little red headed girl I have been waiting for! I believe we are going to wait to find out the sex again, just as we did with Noah. I'm a little more anxious this time though!
Next step is working on ridding Noah of a paci, hopefully helping to make it his decision, making the transfer to a big boy bed in April, and working on sharing :).
I will be catching ya'll up on all that has been going on in our crazy life.
I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and wish you all well in the New Year!