Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Big Back Yard!!

Greg and his family came in for Easter Weekend and Noah's 1st Birthday! I am so happy I was able to take off Friday and enjoy some quality family/cousin time!
We went to My Big Back Yard at Botanic Gardens and it was so cool! Noah got to put his feet in the sand for the first time...

yeah, not so much!

We are going to have to work on that one!

Watching all of the "Big" kids run around and play was so much fun!

after a nap for Noah and some work for me, we headed over to my parent's house to work on the 1 million cupcakes we/mom & caty made!

We were set and ready for the party!


my sitter Mrs. Amy called and said that one of the girls at his school had croup. I froze, it was 9:30am, the morning of his 1st Birthday, we had 15 kids coming over and my son had been coughing for a couple days. Crap.
Luckily, my doctor's office is amazing. We rushed over there, found out we just had some congestion, nothing contagious and nothing bad! Matt and my family rushed around and got the house set and Noah and I showed up fashionably late at 11:15am.
It was a great party! Thanks to everyone who came, played and celebrated my baby's 1st year! He LOVED all of the attention, as you can see :)

Look at all the gifts!!

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Baby Boy! You make my life happier than I ever could have dreamed...and now I'm crying...Momma Loves You :) !